Interpreting Biochar Lab Reports
Biochar's physical and chemical properties control its effectiveness in different applications. Properties are determined by: * Feedstock *…

Biochar Use in Sugarcane BMP
Best Management Practices for Biochar Use in SugarcaneThis document from LSU is based on research by Isabel Lima, U.S.

Biochar Crop Application Guidelines
Biochar Guidelines for Agriculture Applications (Part 1) Practical insights for applying biochar to annual and perennial…

Biochar Improves Manure Management
Fact Sheet: Biochar Improves Manure ManagementBiochar in manure management is good for the animals. Good for the environment.

Biochar Increases Plant Survival
Fact Sheet: Biochar Increases Pla

Biochar in New York State: Benefits and Challenges Moving Forward
Biochar in New York State: Benefits and Challenges Moving Forward

Biochar Systems for Sustainable Applications in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
This is a five-year research project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.

UC Davis Biochar Database
UC Davis has created a searchable database of biochar characteristics, including sorption characteristics.

A Survey of Biochars: Interactions with Dissolved Ammonia, Nitrate, and Phosphate
Presented on August 8, 2014, by Edward Colosky - Graduate Student at the U