Building the Future from the Ground Up

Matt Krumenauer

Vice President
US Endowment for Forestry and Communities

Matt Krumenauer of Salem, Oregon, is Vice President of the US Endowment for Forestry and Communities where he is responsible for leading the Endowment’s Markets Initiative and is working on the ground to accelerate market development for new and innovative uses of forest products.


Prior to joining the Endowment Matt served as a Project Manager for an investor-owned electric utility, Director of Government Relations for a multi-state trade association representing cooperative businesses in the agriculture, financial, retail and utility sectors, a Conservation Biologist for a state forestry department and Senior Policy Analyst for the Oregon Department of Energy where he was the program and technical lead for the State’s bioenergy programs. 


Matt has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Policy and Planning from the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. Matt lives in Salem, OR, with his wife Gail and two children, Marin and Alden.